Friday, June 29, 2007

2007 seen as second warmest year as climate shifts - Yahoo! News

2007 seen as second warmest year as climate shifts - Yahoo! News: "This year is on track to be the second warmest since records began in the 1860s and floods in Pakistan or a heatwave in Greece may herald worse disruptions in store from global warming, experts said on Friday.
'2007 is looking as though it will be the second warmest behind 1998,' said Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit at Britain's University of East Anglia, which provides data to the U.N.'s International Meteorological Organization.
Almost all climate experts say that the trend is towards more droughts, floods, heatwaves and more powerful storms. But they say that individual extreme events are not normally a sign of global warming because weather is, by its nature, chaotic."

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Prince Charles becomes carbon neutral - Yahoo! News

Prince Charles becomes carbon neutral - Yahoo! News: "Fewer chartered planes, more train trips and a royal Jaguar that runs on cooking oil have helped Prince Charles achieve a carbon-neutral household, an annual review of the prince's accounts said Tuesday.
The annual review by the prince's Clarence House office said Charles cut his annual carbon emissions by 9 percent, to 3,775 tons, between April 1, 2006 and March 31 of this year. The prince offset those emissions by investing in an agency that promotes tree planting and sustainable energy projects."

Monday, June 25, 2007

At Home Depot, How Green Is That Chainsaw? - New York Times

At Home Depot, How Green Is That Chainsaw? - New York Times: "Home Depot sent a note a few months ago to the companies that supply the 176,000 products it sells, inviting them to make a pitch to have their products included in its new Eco Options marketing campaign.
More than 60,000 products — far more than obvious candidates like organic gardening products and high-efficiency lightbulbs — suddenly developed environmental star power.
“In somebody’s mind, the products they were selling us were environmentally friendly,” said Ron Jarvis, a Home Depot senior vice president who oversees the Eco Options program.
But not in his mind.
“Most of what you see today in the green movement is voodoo marketing,” he added. “If they say their product makes the sky bluer and the grass greener, that’s just not good enough.”
By the standards of Mr. Jarvis only 2,500 of the products made the cut.
Even at that number, some environmentalists say that Home Depot is being too inclusive. In the process, they say, it is engaging in its own kind of overstated marketing, posing as green even as it continues to sell powerful pesticides and polluting lawnmowers.
Green, after all, has become the new “new and improved,” a label so widely used that many environmental groups, while lauding the heightened interest of consumers, now dismiss many of the efforts as greenwash.

Wire Politics - Energy awards $4M for wind research -

Wire Politics - Energy awards $4M for wind research - "The Energy Department announced Monday it will provide $4 million to two projects in Texas and Massachusetts for research into designing and building the next generation of large wind turbine blades.
The department said the Massachusetts Partnership and the Lone Star Wind Alliance in Texas will each received $2 million for equipment at the facilities that are expected to be operating in 2009.
The total cost of the projects will be about $20 million each. Massachusetts has pledged $18 million in grants, loans and other funds. The Lone Star Alliance also has pledged $18 million for the Texas project.
The projects 'represent an important next step in the expansion of competitiveness of the U.S. domestic wind energy industry,' said Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman in a statement."

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Senate would raise auto fuel standards - Yahoo! News

Senate would raise auto fuel standards - Yahoo! News: "Senators reached agreement Thursday on a proposal to increase automobile fuel economy standards to 35 miles per gallon, the first significant boost demanded of automakers in nearly 20 years.
The agreement, expected to be announced at a news conference, would scale back a proposal already in the Senate's energy bill but still was considered strong enough to have wide support from environmentalists.
The compromise aimed to head off attempts by senators sympathetic to the auto industry from pressing a less stringent proposal. Supporters said they had the 60 votes needed to prevent opponents from blocking it.
Automakers are currently required to meet an average of 27.5 mpg for cars and 22.2 mpg for SUVs and small trucks. The car standard has not changed since 1989, though the truck requirements have been increased slightly by the Bush administration."

China overtakes U.S. as top CO2 emitter - Yahoo! News

China overtakes U.S. as top CO2 emitter - Yahoo! News: "China has overtaken the United States as the world's top producer of carbon dioxide emissions — the biggest man-made contributor to global warming — based on the latest widely accepted energy consumption data, a Dutch research group says.
According to a report released Tuesday by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, China overtook the U.S. in emissions of CO2 by 8 percent in 2006. While China was 2 percent below the United States in 2005, voracious coal consumption and increased cement production caused the numbers to rise rapidly, the group said."

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New York plans to heat buildings with biofuels - Yahoo! News

New York plans to heat buildings with biofuels - Yahoo! News: "In a further greening of the Big Apple, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Monday the city will incorporate biofuel made from corn and soybeans into oil used to heat city buildings starting in 2008.
The plan will reduce greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming, improve air quality and support small, family farmers, Bloomberg said.
Earlier this year, the mayor announced the goal of reducing New York's carbon footprint by 30 percent by 2030 and has gradually unveiled more detailed proposals, including a plan to convert the city's yellow taxi fleet to hybrid fuel vehicles.
Starting in July 2008, one-third of the heating oil bought by the city must contain 5 percent biofuel, the mayor said. The proportion will rise in stages to 20 percent biofuel in 2012."

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wire Politics - Lawmakers want Capitol to go green -

Wire Politics - Lawmakers want Capitol to go green - "Congress says it is going to join the war against global warming by cleaning up its own backyard, now cluttered with a coal-burning power plant, a fleet of fuel-inefficient vehicles and old-fashioned lights.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has set a goal of making House operations carbon neutral during this session of Congress, meaning the House would remove as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as it adds by the end of next year.
'The House must lead by example and it is time for Congress to act on its own carbon footprint,' Pelosi said in announcing the initiative that would also shift the House to 100 percent renewable electric power. "

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Airline sector pledges big emissions cuts - Yahoo! News

Airline sector pledges big emissions cuts - Yahoo! News: "Leaders of the world's airline industry said at their annual meeting that airlines will strive to be more 'green' and aim for zero carbon-dioxide emissions by 2050, but skeptics question whether the goal is realistic.
'We have to transform this vision into reality, working with the different actors of this industry,' he said at the conference. 'We need a global scheme, a common approach to technologies.'
But there was skepticism in the corridors of the conference hall over the practicality of reaching the zero emissions target given the relentless growth in air travel.
Despite current efforts to reduce fuel consumption by 25 percent by 2020 using existing technologies, the carbon footprint of the civil aviation industry is growing as a portion of global emissions."

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Vatican plans to tap solar energy - Yahoo! News

Vatican plans to tap solar energy - Yahoo! News: "Some Holy See buildings will start using solar energy, reflecting Pope Benedict XVI's concern about conserving the Earth's resources, a Vatican engineer said Tuesday. The roof of the Paul VI auditorium will be redone next year, with its cement panels replaced with photovoltaic cells to convert sunlight into electricity, engineer Pier Carlo Cuscianna said.
The cells will produce enough electricity to illuminate, heat or cool the building, Cuscianna said.
'Since the auditorium isn't used every day, the (excess) energy will feed into the network providing (the Vatican) with power, so other Vatican offices can use the energy,' he said.
A feasibility study for the planned conversion, published recently in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano, found it made economic sense. It quoted from Benedict's speeches defending the environment and noted that his predecessor, the late John Paul II, also championed the safeguarding of natural resources."

New diet shrinks calories, carbon footprint - Yahoo! News

New diet shrinks calories, carbon footprint - Yahoo! News: "In their new 'Global Warming Diet,' American chef Laura Stec and climate change expert Eugene Cordero posit that it is not sufficient that a good meal be presentable and delectable -- it must also be environmentally friendly.
The book, to be published next year, advocates 'eating more local, more organic, adding more seasonal food, ... using less packaging, buying in bulk, growing your own food,' Stec said."

Bush, Merkel far apart on climate change - Yahoo! News

Bush, Merkel far apart on climate change - Yahoo! News: "The gap between the United States and other industrialized was underscored Wednesday by Bush's top environmental advisor. The president and Merkel are due to hash out some of their nations' differences over lunch later in the day, ahead of the evening's official opening of the three-day Group of Eight summit of industrialized nations.
Germany, as summit host, is pushing specific targets for reduction of the carbon emissions believed to cause global warming. Merkel has made the issue the centerpiece of her G-8 leadership.
Her proposal is for a 'two-degree' target, under which global temperatures would be allowed to increase no more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, (2 degrees Celsius) before being brought back down. Practically, experts have said that means a global reduction in emissions of 50 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Merkel supports a global carbon-trading market as one tool.
Jim Connaughton, chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, again rejected that approach Wednesday. He called it significant that the summit leaders would merely agree to keep talking about the issue."

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Blame coal: Texas leads carbon emissions - Yahoo! News

Blame coal: Texas leads carbon emissions - Yahoo! News: "The disparity in carbon dioxide emissions is one of the reasons there is no strong national effort to reduce global warming gases, some experts say. National emissions dipped ever so slightly last year, but that was mostly because of mild weather, according to the Energy Department.
'Some states are benefiting from both cheap electricity while polluting the planet and make all the rest of us suffer the consequences of global warming,' said Frank O'Donnell, director of the Washington environmental group Clean Air Watch. 'I don't think that's fair at all.'
He noted that the states putting out the most carbon dioxide are doing the least to control it, except for California.
Several federal and state officials say it's unfair and nonsensical to examine individual states' contribution to what is a global problem."