Sunday, July 1, 2007

Nuclear energy hot topic once again - Yahoo! News

Nuclear energy hot topic once again - Yahoo! News: "Thanks to global warming, nuclear energy is hot again. Its promise of abundant, carbon emissions-free power is being pushed by the president and newly considered by environmentalists. But any expansion won't come cheap or easy.
Waste disposal, safe operation and security remain major concerns, but economics may be the biggest deterrent. Huge capital costs combine into an enormous price tag for would-be investors.
There is also fervent anti-nuke opposition waiting to be re-stoked. Jim Riccio of Greenpeace said nuclear advocates are exploiting global warming fears to try to revive an industry that's too risky to fool with.
'You have better ways to boil water,' Riccio said.
But environmentalists aren't in lockstep on the issue. Bill Chameides, chief scientist for Environmental Defense, said anything that helps alleviate global warming must be an energy option.
'I think it's somewhat disingenuous that folks who agree that global warming is such a serious issue could sort of dismiss it out of hand,' he said. 'It's got to be at least considered.'"

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