Friday, June 29, 2007

2007 seen as second warmest year as climate shifts - Yahoo! News

2007 seen as second warmest year as climate shifts - Yahoo! News: "This year is on track to be the second warmest since records began in the 1860s and floods in Pakistan or a heatwave in Greece may herald worse disruptions in store from global warming, experts said on Friday.
'2007 is looking as though it will be the second warmest behind 1998,' said Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit at Britain's University of East Anglia, which provides data to the U.N.'s International Meteorological Organization.
Almost all climate experts say that the trend is towards more droughts, floods, heatwaves and more powerful storms. But they say that individual extreme events are not normally a sign of global warming because weather is, by its nature, chaotic."

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