Thursday, June 7, 2007

Airline sector pledges big emissions cuts - Yahoo! News

Airline sector pledges big emissions cuts - Yahoo! News: "Leaders of the world's airline industry said at their annual meeting that airlines will strive to be more 'green' and aim for zero carbon-dioxide emissions by 2050, but skeptics question whether the goal is realistic.
'We have to transform this vision into reality, working with the different actors of this industry,' he said at the conference. 'We need a global scheme, a common approach to technologies.'
But there was skepticism in the corridors of the conference hall over the practicality of reaching the zero emissions target given the relentless growth in air travel.
Despite current efforts to reduce fuel consumption by 25 percent by 2020 using existing technologies, the carbon footprint of the civil aviation industry is growing as a portion of global emissions."

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