Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Bush, Merkel far apart on climate change - Yahoo! News

Bush, Merkel far apart on climate change - Yahoo! News: "The gap between the United States and other industrialized was underscored Wednesday by Bush's top environmental advisor. The president and Merkel are due to hash out some of their nations' differences over lunch later in the day, ahead of the evening's official opening of the three-day Group of Eight summit of industrialized nations.
Germany, as summit host, is pushing specific targets for reduction of the carbon emissions believed to cause global warming. Merkel has made the issue the centerpiece of her G-8 leadership.
Her proposal is for a 'two-degree' target, under which global temperatures would be allowed to increase no more than 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit, (2 degrees Celsius) before being brought back down. Practically, experts have said that means a global reduction in emissions of 50 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. Merkel supports a global carbon-trading market as one tool.
Jim Connaughton, chairman of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, again rejected that approach Wednesday. He called it significant that the summit leaders would merely agree to keep talking about the issue."

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